Well 11 / 11B Wellhouses Project

Project Image

The City of Pendleton has two new wells at the Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery Facility (WWTRRF) campus and will build wellhouses and necessary piping and equipment to operate the wells. One well has 10-inch casing and one has 20-inch casing. The new wells and well houses include multiple phases and projects.

This project is to construct wellhouse buildings for both cased wells and necessary piping / fittings to put them into service to the new 16-inch domestic water line.  This work will include, but is not limited to, erosion control, site work, rock excavation, rough grading, fine grading, gravel surfacing, building construction, piping, thrust restraint, valves, flow meters, vaults, disinfection systems, fire extinguishers, auxiliary sensors and probes, louvers, exhausts, heating, AC units, some demolition, electrical, and service equipment


This project is funded from the Business Oregon Special Works Fund. 


Engineer’s estimate:  $2,150,000

  • Well 11 Wellhouse: $495,000
  • Well 11B Wellhouse: $1,655,000
Project Title:
Well 11 / 11B Wellhouses Project
Estimated Construction Cost:
Engineer’s estimate:  $2,150,000
Actual Construction Cost:
Project Type:
Final Project Cost (Construction + Engineering):
Year Completed:
Why It's Needed
The new wellhouses will allow wells 11 and 11B to be put into service, providing increased water flow for the City of Pendleton.

4300 Houtama Road
Pendleton, OR 97801
United States

Project Status

Project Milestones

Project Milestones
May 2024
Milestone Description

Four bids were received, and the low bidder, Rotschy, Inc., of Vancouver, Washington, was awarded the bid in the amount of $1,805,822.15

January 2025
Milestone Description

Doors and windows installed at Well 11B building. Pumping system installation began.

Address Geolocation