Tutuilla Road Water Main

Project Image

This project is planned to extend the existing 12” main on Tutuilla Rd from SW Tahoe south to the Cit Limits. This extended main will provide water service, as well as fire flow to the south edge of our service area.

There is a 3 to 4 lot subdivision already started on the east side of Tutuilla Rd, and a possible 3 to 4 lot subdivision planned on the west side of the road. There are currently 2 residences that are on wells. This extension will provide service to these properties if they so desire, and also provide flow for any future development further to the south when that need should arise. 


The Water Fund will be used to fund this project


Work is expected to begin the Week of June 17. 

Project Title:
SW Tutuilla Road Water Main Extension
Estimated Construction Cost:
Actual Construction Cost:
Project Type:
Final Project Cost (Construction + Engineering):
Year Completed:
Why It's Needed
This water line will allow for better water flows to the south end of the Tutuilla area to promote development.

Intersection Tutuilla Road and SW Tahoe
Pendleton, OR 97801
United States

Project Status

Project Milestones

Project Milestones
June 2024
Milestone Description

Pendleton City Council approved a Purchase Order for materials for the Tutuilla Rd Water Main Project to HD Fowler of Pasco WA, in the amount of $65,151.15.

Address Geolocation