City, CFM, and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) staff are applying for a grant opportunity related to I-84 Exit 209 & SW Perkins Improvements. Phase I focuses on Northside Improvements and SW Perkins Avenue extension. ODOT’s cost estimate is about $20 million (2021 dollars) to complete this work.
Application for $20 million from Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RNC) Grant. Local match share by the City would be about 7% of the total project request for the RNC grant. Other non-RNC and non-RAISE grant applications require about 20% in local match; thus, City would look to its partner, ODOT, to help find additional funding consideration for the additional match needed for other non-RNC & non-RAISE grant considerations.
Interstate 84 Exit 209
Pendleton, OR 97801
United States
Project Milestones
City Council voted on Resolution No. 2914 confirming the City’s support to provide a local funding match of up to $2,000,000 towards I-84 Exit 209 and SW Perkins Improvement grant application.