The project consists of the following for the construction of a parking lot at the north end of SW 41st Street, in Community Park:
- Installation of approximately 320 LF of Type C concrete curb
- Placing and compacting gravel backfill in front of the curb
- Performing finish grading to the gravel base previously placed by the City
- Placing approximately 300 Tons of Level 3 HMAC parking lot at a 3” depth
- Perform additional and incidental work as called for in the Specifications and Plans.
Even though FEMA is reimbursing the City $75,000 for the repair of the parking lot, all of the other costs associated with pipe realignment and vault/valve installation, and any costs over the grant allocation will have to be covered by the City. These additional costs will be covered with the streets and sewer maintenance funds. It is estimated that the total costs to complete this work, including this contract, will be under $100,000.
FEMA was consulted about the damage, and the City was grated $75,000 to repair this parking lot. However, it was determined by staff that a backwater valve should be placed near the end of this storm line so that high creek flows would not back up the line and inundate private property and garages. To install this backwater valve, the large storm line had to be relocated and a vault installed with the valve. The new alignment for this large diameter storm line would be through the parking lot. Also, FEMA has stated that the work on the parking lot must be completed by July 2023 in order to receive the grant dollars.
Public Works staff has removed the damaged portions of the parking lot and curbing, installed the new storm pipe and the new vault/valve, and has begun the installation of the base gravel for the parking lot. This contract will be to complete the parking lot project by installing new curbing around the lot and placing asphalt pavement for the new parking lot.
Staff has informed the contractor in the contract of the accelerated timeline, and hopes to have our portion of work completed by the time this report is presented. If the contract can be executed quickly, we expect the contractor to start their work in a week or so, and for the work to be completed in June.
1300 SW 41st St
Pendleton, OR 97801
United States
Project Milestones
Construction bids received from:
Interstate Concrete and Asphalt Company, dba American Rock Products, Pendleton, OR: $66,310.00
Central Washington Asphalt, Inc., Moses Lake, WA: $71,850.00
Humbert Asphalt, Inc., Milton-Freewater, OR: $73,000.00
Bid awarded to Interstate Concrete and Asphalt Company, dba American Rock Products, Pendleton, OR, for $66,310.00
Project completed