A booster pump station contains multiple pumps and all the equipment necessary to control those pumps to maintain water pressure in an area. The East End Booster Pump Station includes provisions to serve the Hwy 11/30 Connector Road area with about 270 developable acres.
Depending on property acquisition and Business Oregon Infrastructure Finance Authority Board approval April 7, 2023, project expected to be advertised in April/May 2023. Construction intended for spring/summer/fall 2023.
This project will be funded from the Business Oregon Special Public Works Fund. There is about $10.8 million approved for loan drawdown, and water system rates will cover the debt service associated with this project.
- 30% of this project will be reimbursed by new development through a reimbursement fee
- 70% of this project will serve existing customers with future replacement of SE 7th Booster Pump Station
1001 Goad Road
Pendleton, OR 97801
United States
Project Milestones
95% design review by murraysmith
Final plan adjustments and plans submitted to Oregon Health Authority for review in March 2023.
Funding approved and expected to bid in August 2023.
Pendleton City Council awarded a contract to Mike Becker General Contractor in the amount of $2,477,701 for work related to the East End Booster Pump Station Project.