Bus Barn Facility

Project Image
Bus Barn Rendering

The City of Pendleton operates public transit programs. This projects creates a facility to safely house transportation vehicles - up to four Category C buses, six Category E vehicles, and four minivan or sedan class vehicles - on 8.9 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to the Eastern Oregon Regional Airport. The facility will also provide storage, bathroom, and breakroom facilities for transit employees. 

The City of Pendleton Bus Barn Facility will include:

  • 2,618 sf Bus Barn
  • 3,212 sf Bus Shelter

This project is funded through:

  • $2.01 million grant through Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) program
  • A $90,000  grant from ODOT through the STIF program to cover planning and engineering
  • Umatilla County committed a grant of $504,966 through STIF funding
  • The City of Pendleton has set aside $500,000 in transportation funds


Ground breaking took place on April 4, 2024, 4834 NW "H" Street Airport Complex

Estimated completion: Fall 2024

In the future, the Facility will include at 1,832 sf Administration Building. This building was included in the original project proposal but was cut from the first phase of the project due to rising construction costs between the time of the grant application and construction. 

Project Title:
Bus Barn Transit Facility
Estimated Construction Cost:
Actual Construction Cost:
Project Type:
Final Project Cost (Construction + Engineering):
Year Completed:
Why It's Needed
The City of Pendleton does not currently have a facility to house its public transportation fleet, which includes four ADA buses and six ADA mini vans to provide a variety of public transit services to its citizens. The “Let ‘Er Bus” Deviated Bus Route Services, available to the public at no cost, operates Mondays through Fridays and provides 11 daily runs to over 20 stops located through Pendleton. Additional transit programs include Senior & Individuals with Disabilities taxi tickets, general public taxi tickets, a daily “Dial-A-Ride” van service serving the general public, Parks and Recreation summer park rides, and an aquatic center summer transport. The City contracts with Elite Taxi, Inc for these services.

4834 NW H Ave.
Pendleton, OR 97801
United States

Project Status

Project Milestones

Project Milestones
May 2022
Milestone Description

The City received notice from ODOT they were granted an award of $2,012,000 through the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) program. 

Sept 2022
Milestone Description

Bus Barn Transit Facility Construction Manager/General Contractor Services contract awarded to McCormack Construction

January 2023
Milestone Description

Value engineering completed for the overall budget of just over $3,000,000.  Project scope reduced to construction of the bus barn and a bus shelter to protect and house the City’s fleet of vans and buses, and Admin building will be included in a future grant request.  

October 2023
Milestone Description

City Council approved GMP Amendment 1 for $316,506 for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), electrical, communications, and electronic safety.

April 2024
Milestone Description

Developers, partners, governmental officials, and other project representatives gather for the groundbreaking ceremony.

Those who participated in the ground breaking were:

  • Cindy Timmons, Umatilla County County Commissioner
  • Joseph Hull, McCormack Construction
  • Jean Root, MWA Architects
  • Angie Jones, ODOT
  • Mayor John Turner , City of Pendleton
  • Staci Kunz, Transportation Committee, City of Pendleton
  • Bob Patterson, Public Works Director, City of Pendleton
November 2024
Milestone Description

Project nearing completion and waiting on final items, including gates.

Address Geolocation
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