During the 2021 pool season, the pool at the Pendleton Aquatic Center began losing water. Multiple tests were performed, and the leak was traced to the piping under the leisure pool that supplies water to the jets on the pool floor. Locating and fixing this leak will require cutting the pool floor to expose the water lines, testing and repairing the line, installing new reinforced materials, and pouring new concrete to patch the pool floor.
The bid amount is based on time and materials, and the Pendleton City Council authorized up to $150,000 for the project. If the issue is located quickly, there is a chance the cost could be less than the $150,000 cap
1901 NW Carden Avenue
Pendleton, OR 97801
United States
Project Milestones
Pendleton City Council approved a bid from Anderson Pool Works to find and repair the leak.
Ford Family Foundation notified Parks and Recreation they had been awarded $50,000 toward the leak repair.
Leak located in a broken pipe. Pipe replaced.
Project completed.